Failing Calibration for EnSURE Touch

Troubleshooting and Solutions

  1. Reading chamber need to be cleaned if it is contaminated and the lens protecting the reading sensor is cloudy/blocked. Click here for more info.
  2. The read chamber plug at the bottom of the EnSURE Touch is not screwed all the way in.
  3. Remove any additional labels with the original product.
  4. Selected wrong calibration device when running positive calibration test.
  5. When activating the CalCheck, if the light turns red or remains dark, replace the battery in the CalCheck. CalCheck use specific kind of batteries “Panasonic”. Click here for more info.
  6. If hearing a rattle sound when shaking the instrument and/or EnSURE Touch will Only Read 0-RLUs with CalCheck, the instrument will need to be repaired. Please contact us for repair

If you still need help, please contact Hygiena Technical Support:

Calibration Checks on the EnSURE Touch


The EnSURE TouchTM allows users to verify the calibration of their instrument through the Calibration app using the CalCheck or calibration control kit.  There are three tests in the calibration verification process, Internal LED Test, Negative Test and Positive Test.  This article will provide instructions for performing a calibration check on the EnSURE Touch.


  1. From the Home Screen, select the Calibration app.
  2. Tap Check Calibration Now.
  3. Confirm the chamber is empty and tap Run Test to start the Internal LED Test.
    RLU values greater than 500 are passing.
  4. Tap Next.
  5. Confirm the chamber is empty and tap Run Test to start the Negative Test.
    RLU values between 0-4 are passing.
  6. Tap Next.
  7. Tap the positive control you are using.
  8. For CalCheck: Press the button at the top of the CalCheck. If the LED turns green, insert the CalCheck into the chamber, close the lid and press Run Test within 20 seconds.  If the CalCheck LED turns red or doesn’t come on see the kit insert for more information.
    CalCheck results between 255-345 RLU are passing.
    For Calibration Control Kit:  Insert the Positive Control rod and tap Run Test.
    Calibration Control Kit results between 130-230 are passing.
  9. Tap Next to complete the test. If any of the test failed, please contact Hygiena Technical Support for assistance.


Viewing Calibration History

On the EnSURE Touch:

  1. From the Home Screen, tap the Calibration app.
  2. The table shows a history of calibration checks.
  3. Tap a row on the table to view the results for each test.

In SureTrend Cloud:

  1. Log into your Sure Trend Cloud account here.
  2. Click the Settings option in the top right.
  3. Go down to Instrument Management.
  4. Click on the serial number of the instrument you wish to see calibration history for.
  5. Be sure Calibration Checks is selected from the options below to see detailed history.

If you are having trouble with Calibration checks on your EnSURE Touch, please contact Hygiena Technical Support for assistance.

Accessing Captive Portals on EnSURE Touch

Some Wi-Fi networks require users to access a captive portal through a browser to accept terms and conditions or verify credentials before accessing the internet.  This article will provide instructions on how to access a captive portal for your network on the EnSURE Touch.


  • Download and install EnSURE Touch captive portal components. Click here for more information.

Connect to a Wi-Fi Network

  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Tap Wi-Fi.
  3. Tap the name of your network.
  4. Enter a password and any other required information, then tap Connect.
  5. Press the Home button to return the the Home Screen.
    Note:  If the network has a captive portal, you will see a notification reading “Sign into Wi-Fi Network” in the notification bar.

Access the Captive Portal

  1. Swipe down from the top edge of the screen to pull down the Quick Access/Notifications menu.
  2. If you do not see a notification reading “Sign into Wi-Fi Network,” tap the button in the top right corner to switch to the notifications menu.
  3. Tap the notification to sign into Wi-Fi.  You will be redirected to the captive portal.
  4. Complete the necessary steps for the captive portal.
  5. Tap the Done.

Troubleshooting Captive Portal Connectivity

Unable to Connect to the Network

  • Go to Settings > General > Date and Time and set the correct date and time on the instrument.  If you corrected the date and time, return to the Wi-Fi menu. Tap the name of the network and tap Forget to remove the connection.  Repeat the processes above.
  • If you are unable to connect to the network and the date and time settings are correct, you may have the incorrect password for the network.  Confirm the required password with your IT department.  If you need to correct the password, return to the Wi-Fi menu. Tap the name of the network and tap Forget to remove the connection.  Repeat the processes above.

Unable to Complete the Captive Portal Sign In

  • If you did not receive the notification to Sign into Wi-Fi network or you accidently dismissed it, you can turn Wi-Fi off and on to receive another notification.  Go to Settings > Wi-Fi, tap the toggle to turn Wi-Fi off.  Tap the toggle again to turn it back on.
  • If you entered the incorrect information in the captive portal and are not able to edit it, you will need to remove the connection to the network and reconnect.  Return to the Wi-Fi menu.  Tap the name of the saved network and tap Forget to remove the connection. Repeat the processes above to connect to the network and sign into the captive portal.

Captive Portal Disconnects

  • Some captive portals are only intended to facilitate a connection for a limited period of time.  If you become disconnected from the network, return to the Wi-Fi menu. Tap the name of the network and tap Forget to remove the connection.  Repeat the processes above to connect to the network and sign into the captive portal.
    Note:  Your IT department may be able to adjust the settings that limits the duration of the connection.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Global Locations and Plans

If your operation has multiple facilities with the same plans and locations, you don’t need to create duplicates for each site in your account. You can use the Global attribute to make those locations or plans available to all sites in your account. This means that each of these global touchpoints or plans will be visible on every EnSURE Touch registered to your SureTrend Cloud Account.

This can help you standardize your testing across multiple facilities and limit discrepancies by monitoring locations and plans across all associated instruments, reducing the time spent on programming them.

Make a Location or Plan Global

  1. Log into SureTrend Cloud.
  2. Click the Sites tab.
  3. Click the site that has the plan or location you want to make global.
  4. Click the Plans or Locations/Samples tab.
  5. Click the checkbox in the Global column to make the item global.

You will need to sync all of your EnSURE Touch to download the changes you made.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Using Teamviewer to Receive Remote Support

EnSURE™ Touch comes pre-loaded with TeamViewer which is an application that allows for screen sharing between computers and other internet enabled devices. When someone needs help with their EnSURE Touch, it isn’t always possible to help them face to face. In situations like these, it can be helpful to connect to the instrument using TeamViewer. This can also be helpful when providing training remotely. The instructions below will help you connect to EnSURE Touch using TeamViewer.

Accessing Teamviewer on EnSURE Touch

  1. Connect EnSURE™ Touch to Wi-Fi.
    Note: For addition instructions on connecting to Wi-Fi, click here.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Support.
  4. Tap the Remote Support button.
  5. Read the disclaimers and press the Next button until you see the Teamviewer Screen.
  6. Provide your TeamViewer ID to the Hygiena Representative.
    Note: Teamviewer should activate and populate a 9 or 10 digit ID number. If you do not see this ID number, your EnSURE Touch may not be connected to the internet, or Teamviewer may be blocked on the network.
  7. Press Allow when the notification appears.

Running Teamviewer on a PC

  1. Download the Teamviewer app here.
  2. Run the executable after the download has finished.
  3. Select Run Only.
  4. Click Accept—Finish.
  5. Provide your Teamviewer ID and password to the Hygiena Representative.

Disconnecting From Teamviewer

Any of the options below will disconnect Teamviewer.

  1. Deactivate Wi-Fi on instrument.
  2. Turn off instrument.
  3. Close the TeamViewer program from the computer.

How do I know if my Hygiena Representative can see my EnSURE Touch screen?

At the top left corner of your screen you will be able to see an eye icon.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

EnSURE Touch Device Detection

This article will cover the step by step process to determine if EnSURE Touch is detecting devices and the lid closing.

The EnSURE Touch has a sensor to detect when a test device is inserted into the chamber. Sometimes contaminants can obstruct this sensor, preventing it from accurately detecting when there is a device in the chamber. When this occurs, the chamber should be cleaned using the instructions here. If cleaning isn’t feasible because of time constraints, device detection can be turned off.  For more information on how to disable device detection, see the Turn Off Device Detection section.


The EnSURE Touch also has a sensor to determine the position of the lid. If the EnSURE Touch is subject to intense physical disturbances, like dropping the instrument, this can cause the magnet contained within the lid to be dislodged from its position. Once the magnet has been dislodged from its correct position, it will fail to accurately determine the position of the lid.

If either the chamber detection sensor fails or the hall effect sensor for the lid fails, the EnSURE Touch will display a notification indicating that a device needs to be inserted into the chamber and the lid needs to be closed.

Turn Off Device Detection

  1. From the Home Screen, tap the Settings app.
  2. Tap General from the settings list.
  3. Tap Device Detection from the general settings list.
  4. Tap the drop-down menu and select Off from the list of options.
  5. Return to the Home Screen using the Home button.

Attempt a Quick Test

  1. From the Home Screen, tap the Quick Test app.
  2. Close the lid without putting a test device in the chamber.
  3. If the Quick Test screen displays a Run Test button at the bottom of the screen, then your instrument needs to be cleaned. For instructions on cleaning your instrument, refer to this article here.
  4. If the Quick Test screen does not display a Run Test button and instead displays a message reading “Insert activated device and close lid,” then your instrument needs to be repaired. Contact Hygiena support using the link here.
  5. After you have finished cleaning your instrument, you will need to turn device detection back on. Repeat steps 1-4 from the Turn Off Device Detection section above, but choose Presence from drop-down menu in part 4.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.


EnSURE™ Touch Input Method (Keyboard) and Styles

Android, like most modern operating systems, separates the display language from the input language (i.e. keyboard). For example, you can have the display is Spanish and the keyboard in Russian. On the surface this does not make sense, however, if you look closer there is a valid reason to have them separate. In most cases, the user wants to see the display language in their preferred language, but the input language needs to be consistent for the organization. Having the data in different languages, for most applications, is not feasible. For example, you could have the following Location “Doorknob “entered in different languages SureTrend Cloud. While possible, it would be difficult for users unless they are multilingual. 

  • Doorknob 
  • 门把手 
  • Perilla de la Puerta 
  • مقابض الابواب 

Android Language Settings 

Android language settings are straight forward.  EnSURE Touch exposes all the languages the EnSURE Touch supports directly from with the EnSURE Touch App. 

The reason the EnSURE Touch only exposes a subset of Android languages is that all the nomenclature in the EnSURE Touch application must be translated before an Android language can be supported. If the user selected a language from Android that was not translated in EnSURE Touch, the EnSURE Touch would show English, but internal Android features would show the language selected. 

You can see in the example below if the Android language Kiswahili is selected, EnSURE Touch shows the activity Locations in English, but in the search window the Android text “Search” is translated to Kiswahili and shows “Tafuta”. 

EnSURE™  Touch Keyboard 

Android input methods (Keyboard) settings and much more complex than Language settings. Android makes the input methods richer to allow for more advanced input. Android allows for custom input methods that include a custom keyboard, keyboard styles, key swiping, physical keyboards, clipboards, voice commands, and more.  For the purposes of this document, we will refer to the input method as the Keyboard since the EnSURE Touch does not have a microphone. 

Keyboard Behavior 

The keyboard will pop up when you tap an entry field or will auto popup if the EnSURE Touch application assumes you need to enter data. For example, in Locations activity, it is not clear if the user wants to search or select a location so the keyboard does not auto popup, but when you enter a new location the Location name is required and the keyboard will auto popup. 

You can always dismiss the keyboard by pressing the back button at the bottom right of the EnSURE Touch and bring the keyboard back by taping the field. 

Keyboard Layout

The keyboard layout will change based on the type of field you are entering. If you are entering alphanumeric data, the text keyboard will display. If you are entering numbers, the numeric keyboard will display. For dates and other data types, there is no need for the keyboard. The UI has features like date and time selector, and dropdowns or toggles.

Extended Keyboard 

The alphanumeric keyboard shows the default characters.  Keys on the keyboard are can change the layout or allow for entry of other characters.   

Custom Input Methods (Keyboard)

Many custom input methods (Keyboards) are APKs installed from the Google Play store. Since EnSURE Touch is a locked system it does not allow users to install the software.

Input Method (Keyboard) Selection

To simplify the input method (Keyboard) selection, EnSURE Touch matches the Keyboard with the language selection. This is an attempt to make the EnSURE Touch setup easier for the user because the Keyboard options in Android are many and can be confusing because the EnSURE Touch does not support many of them.

Access Input Options

Android makes it possible to access keyboard options from within the keyboards. To access the keyboard options, press and hold the “,” key for 2 seconds and then let go. The Input options menu will appear.

Input Option Details

Because the EnSURE Touch uses a custom version of Android some features do not work or may work differently than other Android devices.  The following is how the Input Options work on the EnSURE Touch.

Input Languages

By default, the Input Language matches the System (display) language.  However, unchecking Use system language allows the user to select one or more input languages (Keyboards).

Switching Between Keyboards

If another keyboard is selected it will be used by default.  However, you can also select multiple keyboards.  Switching the keyboards can be done through the keyboard.  You can also use the list of keyboards by pressing and holding the space bar and selecting the Keyboard desired.

Android Keyboard Settings

From the Input Options menu, you can select the Android keyboard options.  This gives the user access to keyboard settings.  Some of the settings will work on the EnSURE Touch, but others will not.  Since the EnSURE Touch does not have a mic the voice commands do not work.  Sound and vibration feedback do not work.  Also, gesture typing does not work.  The remaining options are self-explanatory.  In the Advanced Setting, there is Custom Input Styles that allow for changes to the keyboard layout defined below.

Advanced Settings

In Advanced Settings, the user can select Custom input styles. This can be useful for user that have a special keyboard they prefer. The most common keyboard style is the QWERTZ, but some users like the AZERTY style. To change the style perform the following. In the Advanced settings select Custom input styles. Select the ADD STYLE at the bottom of the screen. Select the Language and Layout. You will be prompted to Enable styles the first time it is selected.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Failing Calibration: Troubleshooting Tips


If you are seeing RLU readings that vary by more than +/- 10% on the CalCheck or Calibration Control Kit when read on the EnSURE Touch, this document will walk you through the potential reason, troubleshooting steps or allow you to get the product returned for repair.

Common Reasons for Issue

  1. Reading chamber has gotten dirty and the lens protecting the reading sensor is cloudy/blocked
  2. Instrument lid is loose and not sitting perfectly closed and light is leaking in
  3. CalCheck is expired or damaged
  4. Calibration Control Rod is expired or damaged
  5. EnSURE Touch will only read 0 to 4 RLUs with either CalCheck or Calibration Control Kit

Troubleshooting and Solutions

The following are steps to determine what the issue is and how to resolve:

Reading chamber has gotten dirty and the lens protecting the reading sensor is cloudy/blocked

  1. Erratic readings are sometimes caused because the liquid has gotten into the reading chamber and dried on the lens that the sensor reads through.
  2. Follow the guide on proper EnSURE Touch cleaning here.
  3. Take reading with CalCheck or Calibration Control Rod to see if readings are within specifications.

If readings are not within specifications, try the next troubleshooting step.

Note: If you are putting personal labels on Hygiena swabs, this can disrupt readings and also device detection. Do not put additional labels on Hygiena swabs. There is a space on the label to write information.

Instrument lid is loose and not sitting perfectly closed 

  1. Look at the instrument lid and see if it is sitting perfectly closed properly.
  2. The top of the lid should be perfectly flush to the top of the instrument.
  3. Seam line should be consistent around the entire lid and you should feel the magnet pulling the lid shut as it gets close to the opening. Dirt can get in the groves and hinge that might prevent the lid from closing all the way. Clean out any debris that might prevent the lid from shutting completely.
  4. If the lid is fine and you are still getting erratic readings, look at the other troubleshooting issues.

CalCheck Rod is Expired or Broken

  1. Check the expiration date of the CalCheck. If it has expired, you should buy a new CalCheck.
  2. If the CalCheck rod is still good, look for physical damage to the rod. Press the button on the top of the CalCheck to make sure the light turns “green”. If the light turns “red” you will need to replace the battery in the CalCheck itself.
  3. You can find the instructions on the CalCheck Battery Replacement here.
  4. If there is no damage to the CalCheck and the button on the top is still turning green, then try running the CalCheck in another EnSURE Touch or Hygiena instrument if you have one. If the readings are within specifications that means the CalCheck is working properly and there is an issue with the EnSURE Touch.

If you still need help click here to submit a ticket for technical support. Be prepared to share your RLU values from your CalCheck.

Calibration Control Rod is expired or damaged

  1. Check the expiration date of the Calibration Control Kit rod. If expired, buy a new CalCheck kit.
  2. If the Calibration Control Rod rod is still good, look for physical damage to the rod around the end of the rod where the sensor reads the light. Clean if there is any film or debris on the bottom.
  3. If no damage to the Calibration Control Rod, then try running the Calibration Control Kit in another EnSURE Touch or Hygiena instrument if you have one. If the readings are within specification it means the Calibration Control Rod is still good and there is something wrong with the EnSURE Touch. Click here to submit a return ticket to have your instrument repaired or replaced.

If you still need help click here to submit a ticket for technical support. Be prepared to share your RLU values from your Calibration Control Rod.

EnSURE Touch Will Only Read 0-RLUs with Either CalCheck or Calibration Control Kit

  1. If you have confirmed either the CalCheck or Calibration Control Kit are still working correctly and the EnSURE Touch will only give you 0-RLUs, the shutter has likely been damaged from either being dropped or liquid has gotten onto it and dried it shut. The instrument will need to be repaired.
  2. To verify the shutter is stuck, go to the Calibration App and run the test/
  3. Around the 4-3 second reading time, listen for the shutter to move back an forth. It will move back around 4-3 second mark and shut around the 2-1 second mark. If you do hear the shutter opening, it is working and there is likely something else going on. Click here to submit Tier 3 issue ticket and a technical representative will get back to you quickly.
  4. If you do not hear the shutter moving the instrument needs to be repaired.
  5. An Internal LED Test should net you a value >500 in order for you to potentially rule out a stuck shutter.

If you still need help click here to submit a ticket for technical support.

EnSURE Touch Won’t Power On

You will need:

  • A 5+ Watt USB-C charger
  • Your EnSURE Touch
  1. Plug the EnSURE Touch into a charger. Hold down the power button for 12 seconds.
  2. The EnSURE Touch should now turn on. If it doesn’t, check that the charger and cable charge another USB-C device, like another EnSURE Touch or phone
  3. If the charger doesn’t work, try again with a working charger
  4. If the EnSURE Touch still doesn’t turn on or only turns on briefly, it must be repaired. Please contact Hygiena Technical Support.


Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

How To Clean The Instrument


One of the unique design features of EnSURE™ Touch is the ability to easily access the read chamber for cleaning. Hygiena instruments are some of the only systems that have this important design feature. With all luminometers, if used correctly, no contamination should enter the read chamber. However, user error or the environment in which systems are used makes a contaminated read chamber a possibility

Materials Required

  • Cleaning cloth
  • Distilled or deionized water
  • 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Cotton Swab
  • Hex key or any sort of tool compatible to open the EnSURE Touch’s bottom cap

Cleaning Steps

  1. Completely power off your EnSURE Touch by holding the power button for at least 1 second until a prompt appears on the screen. Then select “Power Off”.
  2. If your EnSURE Touch has a Protective Cover (shown below), remove it by carefully prying the unit from the bottom and working your way toward the top. Once removed, wipe the Protective Cover with a cleaning cloth damped with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Set the Protective Cover aside and allow it to dry.
  3. Remove the chamber cap from the bottom of the EnSURE ™ Touch with the hex key tool supplied inside the EnSURE Touch box. If the tool is lost, a coin (such as a quarter) or a flathead screwdriver will also work. Once the chamber cap has been removed, this should expose the read chamber (shown below).

  4. Dampen a cotton swab with distilled water or isopropyl alcohol. With the damp cotton swab, gently swab the inside of the read chamber ensuring that no debris is blocking the reading window.
  5. Obtain another cotton swab dampened with water or isopropyl alcohol and clean from the opposite side of the reading chamber.
  6. Dampen a cleaning cloth with water or isopropyl alcohol and gently wipe the surrounding surface of the EnSURE Touch.
  7. Allow the EnSURE Touch to completely dry.
  8. Reinstall the cap at the bottom of the EnSURE Touch and make sure to tighten it until it is completely flush with the EnSURE Touch. Avoid overtightening the cap.
  9. Reinstall the Protective Cover by inserting the top portion of EnSURE Touch where the power button is into the top of the case before inserting the bottom half.
  10. The EnSURE Touch should now be ready to use. Press the power button once to power on the unit.