Multiuser Distributed Network Installation


There are various ways to install and configure SureTrend 4 that give users more control and security over their databases.  This article will go over the Multiuser Distributed Network installation method.  This configuration is intended for one or more users accessing a single database from one or more computer(s) using Windows Internet Information Services.

Complete the following process on the hosting computer:

Install SureTrend 4 as a Multiuser Distributed Client

  1. Download the most recent build here.
  2. After the file has finished downloading, double click the installer to run it.
  3. Select your preferred language and click Next.
  4. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
  5. Check the checkbox for Multiuser Distributed Network.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Wait for the installation to complete, then click Finish.
  8. Restart your computer to complete the process. Windows needs to active Internet Information Services.

Complete the following steps for each user:

Install SureTrend 4

  1. Download the most recent build here.
  2. After the file has finished downloading, double click the installer to run it.
  3. Select your preferred language and click Next.
  4. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
  5. Leave the checkbox for Multiuser Distributed Network unchecked.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Wait for the installation to complete, then click Finish.

Update the Server Configuration Settings

  1. Click the Admin tab.
  2. Click Server Configuration Settings.
  3. Change Config Type to Distributed.
  4. Enter the IP address or network path of the hosting computer in the Server.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Yes when prompted to save and restart.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Network Share Installation

There are various ways to install and configure SureTrend 4 that give users more control and security over their databases.  This article will go over the network share installation method and configuration settings.  A network share installation is intended for one or more users accessing a database stored on a network drive from one or more computer(s).

Network Share Installation

Install SureTrend 4

  1. Download the most recent build here.
  2. After the file is finished downloading, double click the installer to run it.
  3. Select your preferred language and click Next.
  4. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
  5. Leave the checkbox for Multiuser Distributed Network unchecked.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Wait for the installation to complete, then click Finish.

Copy the Database File to a Shared Network Drive

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Hygiena\SureTrend\
  3. Copy suretrend.sdf.
  4. Navigate to the location where you would like to store the database on your shared network drive and paste the database file.

Update the Server Configuration Settings in SureTrend 4

  1. Launch SureTrend 4.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. Click Server Configuration Settings.
  4. Click on the button at the end of the Database Name field.
  5. Navigate to the suretrend.sdf file on the shared network drive and select it.
  6. Click Open.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Yes when prompted to save and restart.

Repeat the installation and update the server configuration settings for each computer that a user will access the database from.

User Permissions

Some users may experience problems accessing their database after moving the database to a shared network drive.  This is generally due to network security settings or policies prohibiting the user from reading or writing to the database file.  See the steps below to assess user permissions.

Verify User Permissions on the Shared Network Drive

  1. Open the folder where the database is stored on the shared network drive.
  2. Click the Share tab.
  3. Click Advanced Security.
  4. Click the Effective Access tab.
  5. Click Select a user.
  6. Enter the username of the Windows user and click Ok.
  7. Click Select a device.
  8. Enter the name of your device and click Ok.
  9. Click View effective access.
  10. Verify that the appropriate user has full control.

Verify the Database File is Not Marked Read-only

  1. Open the folder where the database is stored on the shared network drive.
  2. Right click the database file and select Properties.
  3. Verify Read-only is unchecked.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Standard Installation

There are various ways to install and configure SureTrend 4 that give users more control and security over their databases.  This article will go over the standard installation method.  The standard installation is intended for one or more users accessing a single database from the same computer.

Standard Installation

  1. Download the most recent build here.
  2. After the file has finished downloading, double click the installer to run it.
  3. Select your preferred language and click Next.
  4. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
  5. Leave the checkbox for Multiuser Distributed Network unchecked.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Wait for the installation to complete, then click Finish.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Updating SureTrend 4


This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to back up your database and install the current version of SureTrend 4.


To verify your version of SureTrend 4, check the About section under the Admin tab.  The current version of SureTrend 4 is – Build 11.  If you do not have the current version, proceed with the following steps.  If you have the current version, your syncing problems are related to another issue.  Contact Hygiena Technical Support using by clicking here.

Create a Copy of Your SureTrend 4 Database

  1. Navigate to your SureTrend 4 database. By default, it is located at C:\ProgramData\Hygiena\SureTrend
  2. If you do not see your ProgramData folder, open File Explorer. Click View and check Hidden Items in the Show/Hide tab.

  3. Copy the *.sdf database file and paste it in another location outside of this folder.

Install the Current Version of SureTrend 4

  1. Download the most recent version of SureTrend 4 here.
  2. Run the installer, select you preferred language, and click Next.
  3. For a standard installation leave the Multiuser Distributed Network checkbox unchecked.
  4. For a Multiuser Distributed Network using internet information services check the checkbox. (Rare)
  5. Click Finish and launch SureTrend 4.
  6. Click Yes when prompted to update the database.
  7. You should be able to sync any new instruments to SureTrend 4 now.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.

Server Installation

Click here for system requirements.

Required Prerequisites

  1. HTTP Activation must be turned on for the server. This can be done in Server Manager’s Roles and Features section under .Net Framework 3.5.
  2. If installing on a PC make sure it does not go into power saving mode or sleep.
Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep Four
Click here to download SureTrend and run it once completed.
When the screen appears choose a setup language and click Next.
Read and accept the license agreement and click Next to continue.
When you get to the Multiuser – Distributed Network checkbox check it. Just click Next to continue on with the installation.

Pointing clients to the server

Step OneStep TwoStep Three

Install SureTrend on any machine you wish to connect to the server without checking the Multiuser – Distributed Network checkbox during installation.

Start SureTrend on the client machine once installed and click on the Admin tab across the top. From the list of tabs on the left choose Server Configuration Setting.

Change the Config Type to Distributed and enter the Hostname or IP address of the server into the Server box. Click Save to restart SureTrend and when you’ve reopened it verify it is connected to the server by revisiting this area. As shown below in Figure A.

Contact Hygiena Technical Support for further assistance.